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The Blending of Traditional Festivals and Modern Life - The Double Ninth Festival

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The Blending of Traditional Festivals and Modern Life - The Double Ninth Festival

Oct 11, 2024

The Double Ninth Festival, also known as the "Chong Yang Festival" or "Senior Citizens' Day", is one of the most important traditional festivals in Chinese culture. With the changing of modern lifestyles, this ancient festival has gradually revealed new meanings and values in contemporary society. On this joyous day when everyone celebrates, people uphold the tradition of respecting and honoring the elderly, while also expressing gratitude for family, friendship, and community.


The Double Ninth Festival, which falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, is a traditional festival in China. It originated in ancient sacrificial activities and later developed into a festival to celebrate the health and longevity of the elderly. According to traditional customs, people climb mountains, admire chrysanthemums, wear dogwood, and drink chrysanthemum wine to express their respect and blessing to their elders. At the same time, many places will organize a variety of celebration activities, such as artistic performances, senior sports, etc., so that the elderly feel the care and respect of the society.


However, with the social changes and the acceleration of urbanization, the celebration of the Double Ninth Festival is also gradually changing. Nowadays, more and more young people are far from home and unable to spend the festival with their families, and to make up for the regret of being separated by thousands of miles, they will turn to the Internet and social media platforms. Through moments, Weibo, wechat and other social media, people use words, pictures and videos to express their thoughts and wishes for their families. The bond of kinship is maintained in the virtual space, making the Double Ninth Festival a day of family reunion and Thanksgiving.


In addition, some innovative celebrations are emerging. Many community and welfare organizations will organize the elderly into schools, communities, enterprises and institutions, and young people to participate in a variety of interactive activities. Through exchanges and interactions, the elderly and the young can improve understanding and narrow the generation gap, while also passing on the teachings and blessings of the younger generation. This celebration of intergenerational communication not only satisfies the spiritual needs of the elderly, but also enrichis the social experience of the young.


The change of the celebration of the Double Ninth Festival reflects not only the development of modern society, but also people's rethinking and inheritance of traditional culture. While retaining the tradition, modern elements are also added to make the ancient festival radiate new vitality and significance. Whether young or old, they all feel the warmth and care of family, community and society through this common festival.


The arrival of the Double Ninth Festival provides us with an opportunity to think about the combination of traditional culture and modern life. As a traditional festival, we should preserve and carry forward the essence of excellent traditional Chinese culture. At the same time, we should also actively explore innovative ways to celebrate the festival, so that the festival can better meet the needs of modern society. Let us jointly inherit and carry forward the beautiful tradition of the Double Ninth Festival, express our respect and blessing to the old people with sincere feelings, and jointly create a warm and harmonious social atmosphere.

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